Cordula Goj Connecting
Our expertise is people:
Bringing them together, using synergies, promoting development.
Straightforwardly, Efficiently. Constructively.

Cordula Goj

A company is unbelievably diverse and exciting – and therefore holds enormous potential for development. At the same time many interfaces emerge that can lead to conflicts. Here, I am a bridge builder who specializes in bringing together the extremes and, of course, all those in between. This enables cooperation with a common goal. My focus lies in the topics of leadership, organizational and personal development. My core topic is clearly emotional competence.

Sparring partner

Cordula Goj offers sparring on a level playing field, helping to clear the mind, gain new perspectives and receive honest feedback.

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Driving force

Cordula Goj gives companies impetus, direction and focus if they want to adopt an agile mindset and be fit for the future.

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