I combine business and emotions.

Emotions are still a taboo subject in the business world. In a world where facts and figures define corporate success, there is an inclination to push the “soft” factors into the background. But they are at least equally important when it comes to standing one’s ground in the challenging day-to-day business routine, with self-reflection, self-awareness, awareness of others and personal leadership among the many terms heard in this context.

  • Is there a need to change leadership in your company from a permanent weak spot into a strength?
  • Is there a need for your managers to exploit the potential of the employees to better effect?
  • Is there a need for self-reflection to be included in the basic package of requirements for a manager?

I am entirely persuaded of the wisdom of combining soft skills with hard facts. International executives and decision-makers say that they appreciate my enthusiasm, dynamism and presence when we work together to change things for the better in their organisations. For themselves, for their staff and for their enterprises.

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