Personal development - with care and goal-oriented

Personal development – with care and goal-oriented

  • Is it important to you to bind your employees to the company by means of continual personal development?
  • Would you like your managers and employees to know and assess themselves and their strengths and weaknesses as realistically as possible?
  • Should your employees be able to deal with feedback, be empathetic to themselves and others and be able to perceive and control their emotions?

A quarter of a century has passed since the publication of Daniel Goleman’s bestseller “Emotional Intelligence” in 1995. However, handling emotions competently  is still far from being a matter of course and remains a permanent issue when people have dealings with each other.

Fortunately, more and more entrepreneurs and managers are acknowledging the crucial importance of this topic, also as regards performance at the workplace.

With my core topic of personal development, it is particularly important to me to provide practical support for self-reflection and for the next steps.

For over thirty years, the focus of my professional activities has been on personal development. My clients particularly appreciate my ability to address critical issues directly, while always maintaining the necessary sensitivity for the personalities involved and their achievements.

My action strategy:


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