Impetus – for a dynamic and strong presence
  • Would you like more entrepreneurial spirit in your enterprise?
  • Is there a need to follow through with initiatives?
  • Is there a need to overcome challenging situations?

Whenever people work together for any length of time, habits soon develop and patterns are quickly established. This is entirely acceptable. But the market and the world are in constant flux and it would be fatal to cling on too long to processes as they become stale and repetitive with age. Agility is a big issue in companies because an ability to move swiftly is also essential when it comes to standing up to the competition.

As a driving force in business I will give you direction, focus and the opportunity for development. Not only do I impart the theory in workshops and seminars but I also show how the theory can be applied consistently in practice. This is why my sessions with teams and my moderation work and presentations are so pragmatic – because each individual can take away something relevant to apply in day-to-day situations.

My action strategy:




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